Spice, girl....this is too great!!!! I'm copying this....It's a definite "keeper".
"We both know it was a girl back in Bethlehem..." Muhammad My Friend ~ tori amos
Sounds like she's read this too....LOL
there were 3 good arguments that jesus was black.
1. he called everyone "brother".
2. he liked gospel.
Spice, girl....this is too great!!!! I'm copying this....It's a definite "keeper".
"We both know it was a girl back in Bethlehem..." Muhammad My Friend ~ tori amos
Sounds like she's read this too....LOL
TR reminded me of something, I don't know what it's like everywhere else, but the witnesses in my area do not sell the literature. In all the years (and they were many) that we (the hub and I) studied with the witnesses (and we accumulated quite a collection of books and mags), they never once even indicated that they wanted any money...never asked for a donation, contribution, nothing.
So, that may pose a problem to your "buy a watchtower" approach in areas like mine. I'm in Georgia, BTW.
Edited by - Bona Dea on 23 July 2002 11:20:15
one benefit that jws get from being jehovah's people is the knowledge of good hygiene.
before i came to be a witness, i did not think it was important to brush my teeth thoroughly or wash under my arms real good and use deodarant.
i also tended to be a pack rat with a messy car.
This thread is a joke, right?
I'm not saying that the entire JW populice do this but one of my closest JW friends was one of the nastiest people I have ever knew. I still love her dearly, and am not saying this with any kind of malice; but she didn't work (full time pioneer) yet everytime we went to their house, the bathroom was filthy. I hated using it. I would sometimes hold it, during the entire duration of our visit just to avoid using that bathroom. There was hair (you guess which kind) everywhere and stains all over the toilet. I'm not being funny either. This is true. Again, I say...I am not trying to be mean and I do not judge the cleanliness of all JWs based on this experience,
Same case with my Paternal Grandmother. This could be due in part because of her poor health, but her bathroom is always nasty too but she isn't a JW...she is a baptist. I definitly love my grandmother, so obviously, I'm not trying to insult my grandma...nor the baptist community. I also do not judge the hygiene of all Baptists based on my Grandmother's bathroom.
Also, this may all go back to me being a woman. Apparently, women can get all bent out of shape over something as simple as a dirty toilet. Check this out:
My point is, a person's religion has little or nothing to do with how clean they are!!!
D8TA, Niiccee.....I like it! Catchy and straight to the point!
Dismembered, I right clicked on it, and clicked on "show picture". Try that. I couldn't see it at first either.
for those that requested on i&p thread....which i didnt want to hijack.... i figured i would post them here.
simon----i know some are a bit racy--and if i need to remove any please let me know, but i consider them art so i hope you'll let them stay up.
email me if there are any issues.
(((((Spice)))))...Sags rule!!! ...I am a bit biased in that opinion, however..
Plm, Are you a capricorn? I was born on the cusp (Dec 21) so, I am supposed to have some Capricorn traits. Your pic is beautiful too, BTW.
for those that requested on i&p thread....which i didnt want to hijack.... i figured i would post them here.
simon----i know some are a bit racy--and if i need to remove any please let me know, but i consider them art so i hope you'll let them stay up.
email me if there are any issues.
I'm a Sag. Beautiful pics. Where'd you find these?
the other night i was watching "king of .
queens"with a friend and he said you are "carrie"!!!
i thought about it and he was right.. what character are you?
I've been told by different people that I look like Bernadette Peters. And I've been told by others that I look like Rikki Lake (go figure...I don't think Bernadette Peters or Rikki Lake look anything alike but somehow, I look like both of them).
Anyway, I think as far as a "character" goes: I think that I am a lot like Wylie Coyote. None of my antics work...and everything I attempt to do blows up in my face.....LOL.
...that men are not allowed to grow beards?.
i don't know if this is true where you live, but where i used to live, it was against "policy" for brothers to have beards.
any man who did have one was looked down upon.
It's not in the bible. Nor are A LOT of the other stupid rules the JWs have.
don't want any cause for stumblin' anyone at da doors.
I don't know of anyone (except, of course, a JW) who would be stumbled by a friggin beard .
Edited by - Bona Dea on 23 July 2002 10:45:24
things that you definitely will not learn upfront: (and again, this is just a few...).
fight against independent thinking.
6-8-1986, page.9 would that all were prophets!.
Do you and I reside on the same planet? Obviously, some of the elders do hide things...
according to revelation 20:10 the devil will be tormented day and night forever and ever along with the "false prophet".
i asked several jw's about this and the reply was "we don't take it like that" or "it doesn't literally mean that".
wether or not there is a hell it sure seams they are missing or ignoring something.
And that is coming from a Jehovah's Witness.
Oh, ok. I didn't know that. Well, if that's the case, I must be wrong!!!. I forgot my place. It momentarily slipped my mind, that JWs are the only ones who can truly understand and grasp the meaning of the bible:
Watchtower 12-1-1990: "Let us face the fact that no matter how much Bible reading we have done, we would never have learned the truth on our own. We would not have discovered the truth regarding Jehovah, his purposes and attributes, the meaning and importance of his name, the Kingdom, Jesus' ransom, the difference between God's organization and Satan's, nor why God has permitted wickedness."
Watchtower 7-1-1973: "Only this organization functions for Jehovah's purpose and to his praise. To it alone God's Sacred word, the Bible, is not a sealed book."
Watchtower 10-1-1967: "Thus the bible is an organizational book and belongs to the Christian congregation as an organization, NOT to individuals, regardless of how sincerely they may believe that they can interpret the bible."
I didn't realize I was dealing with a real live Jehovah's Witness here....(trembling). I'm outta here. I leave you with your delusions of grandeur.
Edited by - Bona Dea on 22 July 2002 14:29:53